The Lesson of the Oak
The oak towers above the forest
It's fellow arboretum members
Gaze upward at it's height
It's branches supported
By a many-ringed trunk
Bark scarred by years gone-by
It's broad leaves shimmer
In the gentlest breeze
And hide the noonday sun
Children play in it's shade
A carved heart and initials
The memorial to long lost love
For 150 years it's watched
The change of time
In the earth and it's animates
Day's sunlight and night's storms
Summer's green and winter's white
All feed the cycle of it's ageless life
In spite of it's stature
And immortal defiance
Of lifetimes and time
The source of it's strength
Hidden from human eyes
Reaching deep into nourishing soil
Patiently bursting stones with
It's ever deeper growing
Depths equal to the highest branches
Dwelling in the cool dark earth
Fed by earthworms and decay
Drinking in the purest rain
It stands proud, tall and true
Regardless of the scarring
Of branches severed by life's winds
It stands upward reaching
Undeterred by time or pain
A monument of determination to life
The source of it's strength
Is not in it's size or beauty
Or any of the things apparent to us
The source of it's strength
Is under our feet and unseen
By our simple eyes
The source of it's strength
Is it's unwavering, ever-growing
Clenched fist on it's foundation
Breath taken(arisha)