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Friday, October 5, 2012

Just Out of Reach

"For the wages of sin is death..." ~Rom 6.23

Once trust is broken
Can it ever be the same

Or is the remainder a life that's broken
An existence filled with pain

Choosing to live with questions
And fearing the answers they own

Reaching back to consolation
But useless weeds are all that's grown

Torn between the distant calm
And lost hope's empty shell

Living the knowlege of Heaven
And the reality of Hell

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


c.a.b. 2012

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger

Sitting alone
All alone in the night
The sound of my breathing
Is my ears only sight

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger

Thinking becomes longing
As the hours slip by
Remembering my failures
And the tears that you cried

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger

Emptiness and despair
Now sit on the throne
Where arrogance and pride
Used to make it their own

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger

No rest in my mind
No place I can hide
From courtship of pain
The embracing of night

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger

Where once stood a man
Now there's only a shell
Distant memory of Heaven
And reality of Hell

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger

I've chosen this path
No one else is to blame
Now I stand where it led 
At the door of my shame

One single hair
Held by broken fingers
One thin strand 
Binding memories that linger


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Lesson of the Oak

 The Lesson of the Oak

The oak towers above the forest
It's fellow arboretum members
Gaze upward at it's height

It's branches supported
By a many-ringed trunk
Bark scarred by years gone-by

It's broad leaves shimmer 
In the gentlest breeze
And hide the noonday sun

Children play in it's shade
A carved heart and initials
The memorial to long lost love

For 150 years it's watched
The change of time
In the earth and it's animates

Day's sunlight and night's storms
Summer's green and winter's white
All feed the cycle of it's ageless life

In spite of it's stature
And immortal defiance
Of lifetimes and time

The source of it's strength
Hidden from human eyes
Reaching deep into nourishing soil

Patiently bursting stones with
It's ever deeper growing
Depths equal to the highest branches

Dwelling in the cool dark earth
Fed by earthworms and decay
Drinking in the purest rain

It stands proud, tall and true
Regardless of the scarring
Of branches severed by life's winds

It stands upward reaching
Undeterred by time or pain
A monument of determination to life

The source of it's strength 
Is not in it's size or beauty
Or any of the things apparent to us

The source of it's strength 
Is under our feet and unseen
By our simple eyes

The source of it's strength
Is it's unwavering, ever-growing 
Clenched fist on it's foundation

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”  “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” ~Jn. 8:9-11 (NLT)

Your PAST.

The voices who want to remind you of it are everywhere you around you and inside your headThey use it to hold you back, to tell you that you are defined by what they want you to remember. They want you to be crippled by shortcomings and moments of weakness. They want you to never forget what you did to hurt yourself and others. After all, how can you muster the audacity to hold your head up when YOU did "all those things"? 

They must be something special to have put up with you all this time....

It's time to let go of your past. Time to stop using it as an excuse for why you CAN'T. Time to start LIVING.

It's time to "GO"...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kindred Spirits

Memories and Wondering
For far too long a time
All your substance yielded
Was the subsistence 
For my mind

Two separate lives living
Across finite time and space
Reading past treasured words
Scribed blue ink giving chase

To memories and dreams
Of summer night's 
Innocence of things
That bring smiles to light

Now words born in the mind
Coming fast with the speed of light
Carrying time and distance
Guarded reservation's resistance
Destroyed by kinship of sight

They fall on eyes and land in thought
And heart leaps with memories
That run uncaught
At the sound of an unheard voice
And it's familiar refrain

Hundreds of miles
A lifetime of years
A thousand faded smiles
A million drying tears
Could not, have not
Untied the bonds that 
Hold the most Kindred of Spirits

Sunday, March 18, 2012


And sleep wont come.

Thoughts physically forced from conciousness
Return one time more than the strength needed to 
Remove them and they stand inside the mind
Defiantly smiling their crooked grins.

About things only the weak would ponder
Motives of actions and the headings of chosen course.

Given glimpses of hidden happenings
Shared snippets of a parallel world
And the mind completes the portrait
The hidden scene comes into view.

Comes on the heels of total immersion
The embrace of heart and mind
The body opens the door of fragility
And the soul runs headlong inside.

Neitzche was an angry, empty soul
But his view of the abyss becomes truth.

Remains where it's always been
Never moving from it's Gibraltic stature
Standing at arm's length
It's location and it's lesson.

To give the freedom to watch and learn
By giving the freedom to others to live
And watching the lessons they teach.

Always announcing itself through pain
Like the bones of the young ones
At night when it's time to sleep.

Does expectation of evolution forget
So quickly that NOW is when the idioms 
Ring so true and words shouted in strength
Fall on weakness' deaf ears retain their meaning?

Stimulus and response dictates change.

Outside eyes will not see the end from the now
Their mouths and hands will attempt to dictate
To mold this pliable thing that is you 

Ten million puppeteers ten million times a day
In ten million ways to control 
When they cant even control themselves.
Vicarious living at it's best.

Giving Growth the room it needs
To do it's work of change
Requires the blind acceptance of
Creation and remembrance that Creation comes from WITHIN.

ALONE brings change and not other's ideas
Inside is where the work, pain, struggle and motivation
To continue breathing reside.

The throne of the mind is NEVER taken, ONLY given.
Allow only strength to rule there
Do not attempt to control others


But evolve into YOU

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"None Shall Pass!"

I work in an environment filled with poison.  The very air in certain areas is filled with harmful particles and most surfaces require a washing of the hands after they are touched.

I have learned to keep the contaminants of my environment out of my body. It takes consistent effort and attention to detail, but it is not impossible. 

The mind is the same way.

Do you allow things that are detrimental to your productivity and improvement inside your mind? 

Do they fester inside, eating at your will to succeed and improve?

Be the gatekeeper of your mind, safeguard your thoughts and digest only the things that are conducive to growth and excellence.

Negativity can be all over you, but that doesn't mean it any of it has to be inside.

Time to lock the GATE.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Take a Look

Take A Look
Adam Bogle 2012

You won't come around and its all my fault
You wont speak a word, but it's me that wont talk
Your message in a bottle brings your absolution
To call it one sided hate is your resolution.

Outsiders get to know more than I do
The eggshells you walk on were placed there by you
Despising my honesty resenting my truth
Never stopping to think I might be reaching for you

Each day I face my past, my demons, my hell
I live with the stories they continue to tell
That is my price, my penalty, my debt
To live each day with the cost of regret.

This road is quiet except for the screams
Of how I'm nothing and nothing is me
But I choose not to hear them and choose to be free
I'm becoming the man I was created to be.

The Work that I do is transforming I find
My Work gets done and does its Work in my mind
It tells me there's more to me than the limits you see
It grants freedom from the past and what I USED to be.

So I continue on, to do my work all alone
No mask to hide the man that's now gone
No lies to myself of what used to be
No acceptance of the limits you choose for me.

Evolving my soul into destiny's role
Chosen to be greater than your rejection holds
My mind set like a stone planted firmly it grows
Against all resistance it continues to flow.

So when your thoughts move to me and the images you see
Of the shell of a man that I used to be
Hold onto the thought that I'm somehow caught
Or open new eyes to see a free man that is me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lovin' You Down


Lovin' You Down
  Adam Bogle
2011 TRP Music Group
(All Rights Reserved)

Well I'm prisoner at work
And I'm a slave to the grind
But I can't do a thing 
Without you on my mind

Every moment of my day
Spent thinking of you
And the love that we make
Is what gets me through

Oh baby, how I'd love to be lovin' you down
To hear your eyes say how you love me 
When your lips don't make a sound
To spend the whole night baby
In the love that we've found
Oh how I'd love to be lovin'
Lovin' you down

Time away is living torture
Seconds seem to me like days
The aching for your arms to hold me
Your tender kiss is what I taste

The need to feel your love surround me
To enter through love's open door
It's with your hand you'll gently guide me
Always hungering for more

Oh baby, how I'd love to be lovin' you down
To hear your eyes say how you love me 
When your lips don't make a sound
To spend the whole night baby
In the love that we've found
Oh how I'd love to be lovin'
Lovin' you down

And we'll fall together softly
Not worried where we might land
Let tomorrow have tomorrow
Cause tonight I'll hold your hand

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

These Hands

These hands know you
They have memorized every contour of your body
The textures of your clothes and the silkiness of what lies beneath

  They communicate between us
Telling you of my loving desire
And hearing your message of eager acceptance in return
Through your movements underneath their touch

They hold memories of times we've shared
Wiping tears from your eyes 
Moving the hair from your face

  They have been beaten beyond their years through hard work
 But manage to make beautiful music when the heart commands
  And their greatest symphony is You

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Company of Thoughts

Eyes open before the dawn
Lying in the darkened room
My breath is the day's first sound 
And my first thought is the thought of you.

Words glowing in my mind's eye
No audible notes fall on my ear
Not necessary to reinforce their strength
Your voice is the sound I hear.

Morning's anticipation dispels daily routine
Awaiting heart's contact through space
Closure of the eyes brings sights more real
The sight of my hand on your face.

Day's end arrives and eagerness drives
My whole being back to the space
It's there once again I'm there with my friend
We're at home in this limitless space.

Eyes overwhelmed with such beauty
Surprised you're real yet again
Torn between rushing to hold you 
And thirsting to drink it all in.

Eyes open before the dawn
Lying in a darkened room
My breath is the day's last sound 
And my last thought is the thought of you.