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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Image of You

The room is dimly lit
Illuminated only by the faint glow of the screen.
The only sounds are the white noise lullaby
And the slow, steady rhythm of your breathing.

No glasses, but I stare at you
Watching you fade into sleep
An image more imagined than real.

Memories of your beauty
Filling in the spaces left
By eyes that get weaker each year.

The perfume of your skin
Mostly hidden underneath  
A tropical bouquet
Is there nonetheless.

Stirring memories of
That same scent in
distant scenes we've shared-
I smile in contentedness.

My calloused hand
Moves to take yours.

Finding it.
Without need to search
for the familiar.

Similarly -
My heart finds yours
With no effort at all.

And one day
When the room
Is bright.
And my eyes wont
See in spite of the light.

The image of You
Will belong to me.

The image of You
Does belong with me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Anti"-mosity and the fear of being real....

"If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back." ~Matthew 18.15 (NLT)

There seems to be an increasing use of under-handed, cutting remarks and responses on the social networks these days.  Whatever happened to good old, face to face conflict resolution?

It's been my experience that there are few things more refreshing than to "have it out" with a friend and move on to healing and growth together.  

It's also true from my perspective that dealing with a perceived injury - emotional or otherwise - through indirect, snide remarks does nothing to resolve the root cause and only serves to foster further resentment and anger. 

Has the internet with it's inherent cushions provided a "safe" way to point out how far "superior" one is or is it paving the way for the development of "Cowardly Baggage Handlers"?

If the hurt is deep enough to carry with you, it should be important enough to get rid of.

Time to "man-up" and put on the gloves.